Root Canal Therapy Near You
Root canal therapy is a common procedure. Some individuals may have a misconception about what the treatment looks like: screaming patients, loud dental drills, and teeth all over the place. However, root canal procedures are safe and performed to ensure a tooth’s infection does not get too far. When an infection is left untreated, the tooth might need extraction.
We offer root canal therapy near you at Manchester Dental, and we strive to protect your oral health. Please keep reading to learn more about this treatment that can save your natural smile!

What is Root Canal Therapy?
The human tooth is made of layers. The outermost layer is the one that we are most familiar with: the enamel. Underneath the enamel is the dentin, and in the center of the tooth is the pulp. This layer contains vital nerves and blood vessels that provide our teeth with essential nutrients.
Tooth decay begins with the enamel, but the decay can make its way to the pulp if left untreated for too long. When this happens, the tooth can die because the nerves and vessels in the pulp are compromised. Root canal therapy in Edmonton is the procedure performed to remove the pulp of your tooth if it is infected or damaged. In turn, your tooth is saved from dying and needing extraction.
What To Expect During Root Canal Therapy?
It typically takes two appointments to complete the process of root canal therapy near you. Contrary to popular belief, root canal therapy is not painful. In fact, most patients experience significant pain relief after undergoing this procedure.
At your first appointment, Our dentist in Edmonton will give you some local anesthetic before drilling into your tooth. They only have to make a small hole so that they can reach and get rid of the damaged or infected pulp. Then, our team will reshape and disinfect the area before placing a temporary filling.
When you have had some time to heal, we will invite you back to our dental clinic to have the temporary filling removed and replaced with a custom-made dental crown. This crown will blend in seamlessly with your smile and protect your tooth from future infection and damage.
Interested in Root Canal Therapy Near You?
If you believe that you may require root canal therapy in Edmonton, please do not hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team of dental professionals at Manchester Dental. We are happy to offer our patients with root canal therapy so that they can maintain their stunning, healthy smiles for years to come. Please get in touch with us today to book root canal therapy near you.