What Do I Do If My Dental Implant Is Loose?

What Do I Do If My Dental Implant Is Loose?

Did you know that dental implants have a staggering 95% success rate? Despite this, there is a small possibility that you might come across a loose implant.

According to data, about 5% of patients report having mobility or discomfort problems because of their implants. 

Dental implants are celebrated for their durability, yet few know that occasional issues, such as implant mobility, can arise. Did you know that factors like smoking and Poor oral care can raise the possibility of implant complications?

A crucial dental function known as root canal therapy is often called a “savior” for teeth in pain. If you’ve been searchingroot canal therapy Edmonton online, you’re on the right track to discovering how this dental procedure can ease severe tooth pain and preserve the original tooth.

The Process of Receiving Dental Implants

Knowing how dental implants are placed is crucial, especially when dealing with unforeseen issues like a loose implant. 

Everything begins with an in-depth checkup by an experienced dentist or oral surgeon who evaluates your oral health, checks your medical history, and frequently takes X-rays to ensure you are eligible for dental implants. 

If you receive the all-clear to proceed, the next stage involves the surgical placement of a titanium root into your jawbone, which serves as a stable anchor for your new tooth. The titanium stem and your jawbone easily connect over several months in a process known as osseointegration to provide a strong and durable foundation for your new tooth. 

What Causes a Loose Dental Implant?

Understanding why you have a loose dental implant is crucial for your oral health, although it might be unsettling.

  • Poor osseointegration – The implant may become loose over time when it doesn’t completely fuse with the jawbone.
  • Excessive forces – The implant may become insecure if teeth grinding, biting on hard stuff, or misaligned bites put excessive strain on it.
  • Bad dental hygiene – Ignoring oral care and growing gum disease can impact the tissues around the implant, reducing its stability.
  • Trauma and injury – An injury within the mouth, even years after implant setup, could impact the stability of the device.
  • Systemic conditions – Disorders like osteoporosis can have an impact on the density of the bone around the implant.

Consult your dentist in Edmonton as soon as possible if you’re concerned about a loose dental implant. They can identify the problem and make optimal therapy recommendations, including stabilizing or changing the implant. 

Recognizing the Signs of a LooseImplant

Your dental implant is a crucial part of your smile, so it’s critical to identify any issues as soon as possible. 

  • Unsteadiness: If your implant feels shaky or loose, it’s an obvious sign something is wrong.
  • Discomfort: It’s important to note any chronic pain or discomfort near the implant.
  • Gum trouble: Swelling or soreness at the implant site may indicate potential issues.
  • Bite changes: If your bite suddenly feels off, there may be an issue with the stability of your implant.
  • Weird sounds: Experiencing weird pops or noises while chewing or eating. It’s time to look at it.
  • Visible differences: If the implant appears to be swelling or doesn’t look or feel normal, that’s a reason for concern.

Never hesitate to contact your dentist if you observe any of these signs. We will accurately diagnose the issue and, if necessary, take immediate action to resolve it. 

When you need expert root canal treatment near you, our dental practice is just a call away, ready to provide optimal care for your oral health. Keep in mind that your smile deserves all of your consideration and care!

Contact Your Local Dentist 

Let’s explore what to do if you ever get a loose dental implant.

  • Expertise: They are the experts on dental implant activities and understand the specifics of your unique situation.
  • Thorough exam: When you get in touch with them, they’ll perform a thorough examination that can include X-rays.
  • Customized advice: Your implant dentist will make recommendations based on their analysis. This can range from simple situational monitoring to more complex interventions.
  • Early intervention: Quick action is often needed to resolve implant problems swiftly and painlessly. Early solutions might prevent the issue from getting worse.
  • Potential solutions: Depending on the diagnosis, your dentist may recommend various therapies. These may involve treating any potential infections, supporting the implant by tying it to other teeth, or, in severe cases, removing and replacing the implant.

The first and most important step when dealing with a loose dental implant is to contact a dentist near you for a full evaluation. Your smile can be restored with the help of their knowledge and specialized advice.

Treat Your Smile to the Dental Care It Deserves

Your dental well-being is our priority. Whether it’s a tricky, loose dental implant or any other oral concern, 

At Manchester Dental, we are here to assist you with everything that you require. Reach out to us today for specialized care to ensure that your smile remains functional. We anticipate your call!